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Preferred Storyline Beginning:  He is walking down the sidewalk headed towards his home, it's around 6 pm, so late afternoon/early evening. The sounds of his music blaring through his headphones matched with his necklace banging against his chest with every step taken and  the chains on his pants clinking together create a  harmony of noises can be heard anywhere he goes.  He isn't too hard to pick out in a crowd either. Despite his theme of sounds; his pale skin, crimson red eyes and his hair covering most of his face, stands out almost as much as his outfit does. A long-sleeve black shirt and fingerless black gloves, a  studded black choker around his neck,  nails painted black, his jeans that are just a little looser than skin tight with  chains hanging on the left side  attached to the wallet in his left rear pocket, and his half-calf combat boots laced all the way up, stomping away at anything beneath them.  He pulls his Ipod from his right rear pocket, now bored of the song he was listening to, he takes his eyes away from what's in front of him and begins scrolling through his music trying to find a different song to listen to. "Not that one, deleting that one, heard that, no, no..."


Side Note:  Now I actually get alot of scorn for this starter, so let me explain.  I don't use this starter because I'm lazy or I have no creativity, I use this starter because it leaves the door open for creativity, anything can happen while you're walking down the street, a car crash, a mugging, a creep hitting on some girl, local thugs harassing somebody, anything is possible, and I think it should be the same with roleplaying, but a surprisingly few amount of people actually use this to an advantage. So before you think about getting disgusted by the lack of creativity in my starter, read this first.

What I'm Looking For In A Story:  I'm looking for someone who can make  a roleplay with me that is creative and fun. I want to be reading/typing it and my heart is racing and I get excited, as if I'm watching my favorite show on tv and each line is a new scene in the episode. I don't want to have to do all of the work either. You should be adding your own touch of creativity to each and every line you type, even create events during your post, don't forget, it's OUR story to create, not mine. I also enjoy Action/Adventure/Slice Of Life  roleplays with a little perversion  and sexual tension  thrown in the mix. Strictly one genre  does get rather boring after a while.

Background Story:  One day I was skateboarding through town when all of a sudden,  this girl stepped in front of me, I skidded to a stop, almost falling over.  But she just stood there and  looked at me with a not-so-comforting smile on her face.  I asked her if she needed anything,  and  the next thing I remember  is  waking up the next day in a local park with  my neck throbbing and my clothes covered in dirt.  I went to go home and shower to clean the dirt off myself, but  once I took my clothes off, I realized I had a bite mark on my neck.  Now under the assumption an animal bit me and I hit the floor from falling off my skateboard, I ran my tongue to check to see if any teeth were broken or missing, to my relief,  they were all still fully intact. So I went about my day, and about mid-afternoon I got  hungry, so I went and looked  through the kitchen for all my normal foods, but nothing seemed  appetizing. But, as I combed through the freezer, I saw  a package of raw meat, at first I paid  no mind to it, but the more I looked at it, the more  I felt  overcome with the urge to bite into the package. As I  began  to reach for it,  I felt  a sharp, stabbing pain against my lower lip, I opened my mouth  and  ran my fingers along my teeth, trying to figure out what stabbed me, I then dropped to the floor, shocked to the discovery that I now had fangs...

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